Quote #05

Brandes' point of view

Brandes has sought to cultivate a culture in which the sum is greater than its parts. We believe that where investment selection is concerned, more heads are better than one. Rather than relying on a star manager to make portfolio choices, we work as a team and continuously seek to develop the capabilities of our team members. This approach helps diminish the errors or oversights that can result from a single decision-maker. By drawing appropriately on the talents, experience and insights of all team members, we are able to nurture colleagues who are new to Brandes and to prime them for additional responsibilities. This, in our view, is the best way to foster a climate of enduring professional excellence.

Source: Value Investing in Today's Environment, Aug. 10, 2022. (Video)

Louis Lau Photo

Louis Y. Lau, CFA

  • Director, Investments Group

Louis Lau is a Director, Investments Group, a Senior Analyst on the Financial Institutions Team and a member of the Emerging Markets Investment Committee. He is also a Product Coordinator for the Emerging Markets Portfolio. Mr. Lau is a limited partner of the firm’s parent company. Before joining Brandes, he was an Analyst in investment banking and equity capital markets at Goldman Sachs. He earned his BBA in finance (with merit) from the National University of Singapore and his MBA in finance and accounting (with honors) from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Lau is fluent in Chinese. His relevant experience began in 1998 and he joined Brandes Investment Partners in 2004.